Search "vient"
A Maid Was More of a Calling Than a Princess / Being a Maid Is Better Than Being a Princess / Being a Maid Was More Important Than Being a Princess / Mi vocación era ser doncella, no princesa / Ser sirvienta es mejor que una princesa torturada / Trở Thành Hầu Nữ Còn Quan Trọng Hơn Là Làm Công Chúa / メイドになったお姫様 / 比起公主,侍女才是我的天职 / 공주보다 시녀가 천직이었습니다/ limunt/ sugarmommy
Kim Ppopi / Dur
🇰🇷Comic,Manhwa,Webtoon,Josei(W),Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Romance
My Ray of Hope
I Raised an Obsessive Servant / Aku Merawat Pelayan Yandere / Crié a un sirviente obsesivo / I Raised an Obsessive Second Male Lead / The Rise of an Obsessive Servant / Я вырастила навязчивого слугу / 养了个偏执狂男二 / 养了个偏执男配 / 私を溺愛する2番手男キャラを育てました / 집착 서브 남주를 키웠습니다
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Isekai,Magic,Reincarnation,Romance
The Princess Maid [Official]
A Maid Was More of a Calling Than a Princess / Being a Maid Is Better Than Being a Princess / Being a Maid Was More Important Than Being a Princess / Mi vocación era ser doncella, no princesa / Ser sirvienta es mejor que una princesa torturada / Trở Thành Hầu Nữ Còn Quan Trọng Hơn Là Làm Công Chúa / メイドになったお姫様 / 比起公主,侍女才是我的天职 / 공주보다 시녀가 천직이었습니다
Egebet / Kim Ppopi / Duleu
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Romance,Royalty
Sabsama Shitsukeno Jikandesu (Official)
It's Time for Your Obedience Training, My Subservient Pet / Sub-sama, Shitsuke no Jikan desu / Sub様、躾の時間です / Sub님, 훈육 시간입니다
NIJOU Memo / Memo Nijyo
A Talented Maid
A Capable Maid / A Competent Maid / La sirvienta capaz / Marie Sang Pelayan Berbakat / Neungryeog Issneun Sinyeonim / Una criada capaz / Una mucama competente / Une bonne capable / Une bonne compétent / Une domestique capable / Une domestique compétent / Une femme domestique capable / Une femme domestique compétent / Способная горничная / できるメイド様 / 超能力侍女 / 능력 있는 시녀님
Yuin / Sanho
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Romance
🇮🇩BSD : Bucin Sejak Dini [Cont by Lagom]
Aku Merawat Pelayan Yandere / Crié a un sirviente obsesivo / I Raised an Obsessive Servant / The Rise of an Obsessive Servant / Я вырастила навязчивого слугу / 养了个偏执狂男二 / 养了个偏执男配 / 私を溺愛する2番手男キャラを育てました / 집착 서브 남주를 키웠습니다
🇮🇩I Raised an Obsessive Second Male Lead (Official)
Aku Merawat Pelayan Yandere / Crié a un sirviente obsesivo / I Raised an Obsessive Servant / The Rise of an Obsessive Servant / Я вырастила навязчивого слугу / 养了个偏执狂男二 / 养了个偏执男配 / 私を溺愛する2番手男キャラを育てました / 집착 서브 남주를 키웠습니다
YOON Hawol / Tk
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Josei(W),Drama,Fantasy,Historical,Isekai,Romance,Time Travel
Lady & Maid
Lady and Maid / Dama Y Sirvientes / Señorita y Criada / 아가씨와 메이드
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Josei(W),Adult,Mature,Smut,Crossdressing,Full Color,Reverse Harem,Romance
The Flower Dances and the Wind Sings (Official)
Bunga Menari dan Angin Bernyanyi / Flowers Dance and Wind Sings / Las Flores bailan y el Viento canta / The Dance of Flowers and the Song of the Wind / The Flowers Dance and the Wind Sings / Танец цветов и песнь ветра / Цветы танцуют и ветер поет / 꽃은 춤추고 바람은 노래한다
lanella / Sang Hang
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Josei(W),Adaptation,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Psychological,Romance,Time Travel
From Maid to Queen
하녀, 여왕이 되다 / メイド、女王になる / 女僕的成王之路 / 女仆成为女王 / สาวใช้คนนี้จะเป็นราชินี / De sirvienta a reina / La Favorite du roi
Woo Su bin / Hyun / Goeulwon / Shainea
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Romance,Time Travel
🇮🇩sincerely i became a duke maid
A nder Heart: The Story of How I Became a Duke's Maid / Bỗng trở thành cô hầu nhà Công tước / Nalgeot: Gongjang Gaui Hanyeoro Binguihaetseumnida / Sinceramente: Me converti en la sirvienta del duque / Sinceramente: Me convertí en la criada del duque / Sincerely / Sincerely: I Became a Duke's Maid / Tôi trở thành hầu gái của một công tước / Unripened: I Became the Maid of the Duke's Family / Я стала горничной герцога / خادمة الدوق المتعجرف / 公爵家のメイドに憑依しました / 穿越成公爵家的女仆 / 重生之男主养成计划 / 重生:公爵家的女仆 / 날것: 공작가의 하녀로 빙의했습니다
Jooara/ / Juara (주아라)
🇮🇩From Maid to Queen (Official)
De sirvienta a reina / La Favorite du Roi / Von der Magd zur Königin / メイド、女王になる / メイド女王になる / 女仆成为女王 / 하녀, 여왕이 되다
Goeulwon / Hyun / Woo Subin / Shainea
🇰🇷Manhwa,Josei(W),Drama,Fantasy,Historical,Romance,Time Travel
🇪🇸Majo no Geboku to Maou no Tsuno
El sirviente de la bruja y el cuerno del rey demonio
Shounen(B),Action,Adventure,Comedy,Fantasy,Gender Bender,Romance
🇪🇸I Am A Killer Maid
Ich bin eine Killer-Maid / Yo Soy una Sirvienta Asesina / 我是杀手女仆
水滴漫画工作室 / 沙� � / 纳兹 / 回音壁
Shounen(B),Action,Comedy,Drama,Gender Bender,Harem,Martial Arts,Romance,Sci-Fi,Supernatural
🇧🇷Uma Empregada Talentosa
A Talented Maid / A Capable Maid / La sirvienta capaz / Una mucama competente / 능력 있는 시녀님
Yuin / Sanho
🇬🇧Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Romance
🇪🇸Toufuu (Fu)kenbunroku
Records of (not) observing the easterly winds / Registros de (no) observar los vientos del este. / 東風不見聞録
kumeta kouji
Shounen(B),Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Part 5 - Golden Wind (Official)
Vento Aureo / Dai 5 Bu Giorno Giovana: Ōgon naru Isan / Golden Wind / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 5: Ougon no Kaze / JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Ougon no Kaze / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5: Golden Wind / La extraña aventura de JoJo Parte 5: El viento dorado / Le Bizzarre Avventure Di GioGio Parte 5: Vento Aureo / ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 黄金の風 / 黄金の風
Hirohiko Araki
🇮🇹Kobayashi-san chi no Maid Dragon
小林さんちのメイドラゴン / 小林家的妹抖龙 / 코바야시네의 메이드래곤 / La Sirvienta Dragón de Kobayashi-san / Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid / The Maid Dragon of Kobayashi-san / Дракон-горничная Кобаяши-сан
cool kyoushinsha
🇯🇵Seinen(M),Shoujo ai,Comedy,Fantasy,Slice of Life
I Am A Killer Maid
Ich bin eine Killer-Maid / Yo Soy una Sirvienta Asesina / 我是杀手女仆
水滴漫画工作室 / 沙� � / 纳兹 / 回音壁
Shounen(B),Action,Comedy,Drama,Gender Bender,Harem,Martial Arts,Romance,Sci-Fi,Supernatural
🇷🇺Kobayashi-san chi no Maid Dragon
小林さんちのメイドラゴン / 小林家的妹抖龙 / 코바야시네의 메이드래곤 / La Sirvienta Dragón de Kobayashi-san / Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid / The Maid Dragon of Kobayashi-san / Дракон-горничная Кобаяши-сан
cool kyoushinsha
Seinen(M),Shoujo ai,Comedy,Fantasy,Slice of Life
Ojousama no Shimobe
The Young Lady's Servant / Слуга юной госпожи / お嬢様の僕 / El Sirviente de la Joven Dama / Servo da Jovem Senhora
Taguchi Hoshino
🇯🇵Shounen(B),Ecchi,Comedy,Drama,Harem,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
The Reincarnated Prince Becomes an Alchemist and Brings Prosperity to His Country (Official)
Tensei Ouji wa Renkinjutsushi to Nari Koukoku Suru / Перевоплощенный принц становится алхимиком и приносит процветание своей стране / Перевтілений принц стає алхіміком і приносить процвітання своїй країні / Pangeran yang Bereinkarnasi Menjadi Alkemis dan Membawa Kemakmuran bagi Negaranya / Le prince réincarné devient un alchimiste et apporte la prospérité à son pays / Der wiedergeborene Prinz wird zum Alchemisten und bringt seinem Land Wohlstand / 転生王子は錬金術師となり興国する
Tsukiyo Rui / S. Kosugi
🇯🇵Manga,Shounen(B),Action,Adaptation,Adventure,Childhood Friends,Drama,Fantasy,Isekai,Kids,Magic,Royalty
Bride-To-Be [Official]
Rehabilitation Maids / Sirvientas de rehabilitación / 하녀갱생 / Maid Rehabilitation
Eunssa / Woowong
🇰🇷Manhwa,Seinen(M),Adult,Mature,Smut,Drama,Full Color,Romance
Renai Joujou
恋愛上々↑↑ / Slowly It Becomes Love(english) / lentement ça devient amour(french)
aikawa saki
The Last Human (Official)
Bloody Valentine / Manusia Terakhir / Mortals of the Doom / Mạt Thế Phàm Nhân / Sobreviventes do Apocalípse / Supervivientes Del Apocalipsis / Survivor of Doomsday / The Last Human / Tận Thế Người Trần / มนุษย์คนสุดท้าย / 末世の極意 / 末世凡人 / 블러디발렌타인:인류종말
Amazing Works / ManYu
🇨🇳Manhua,Shounen(B),Ecchi,Action,Adventure,Comedy,Drama,Full Color,Horror,Mystery,Supernatural
🇵🇱Like Wind On A Dry Branch
Cursed Blessing / El viento que mece las ramas / Like a Dry Branch in the Wind / Like a Wind on a Dry Branch / Like the Wind on a Dry Branch / Như gió trên cành khô / Wie ein welker Ast im Winde / Подобно сухой ветви на ветру / Хуурай мөчир дээрх салхи / Хуурай мөчир дээрх салхи шиг / همانند باد بر شاخه ای خشک؟ / ราวลมพัดกิ่งไม้แห้ง / នារីកូនបំណុល / 废皇子的神秘情人 / 廢皇子的神祕愛人 / 赤い瞳の廃皇子 / 마른 가지에 바람처럼
Dalsaeowl / Hwaeum
Maid Rehabilitation | Rehabilitation Maids | Sirvientas de rehabilitación | 不请自来的未婚妻 / 陌生的未婚妻 | 하녀갱생
Eunssa / Burdock
Kobayashi-san chi no Maid Dragon
小林さんちのメイドラゴン / 小林家的妹抖龙 / 코바야시네의 메이드래곤 / La Sirvienta Dragón de Kobayashi-san / Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid / The Maid Dragon of Kobayashi-san / Дракон-горничная Кобаяши-сан
cool kyoushinsha
🇯🇵Seinen(M),Shoujo ai,Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Slice of Life
🇮🇩I Raised an Obsessive Servant [UNOFFICIAL]
집착 서브 남주를 키웠습니다, The Rise An Obsessive Servant, Crié a un Sirviente Obsesivo, Aku membesarkan pria yang Obsesif
Yoon Ha-Wol / Sol Yooani
🇪🇸De sirvienta a reina
From Maid to Queen
Hyun / Woo Subin / Goeulwon / Shainea
🇬🇧Manhua,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Fantasy,Full Color,Regression,Romance,Royalty
🇮🇹Una cameriera capace
A Competent Maid / La sirvienta capaz / Marie Sang Pelayan Berbakat / Neungryeog Issneun Sinyeonim / Una criada capaz / Una mucama competente / Une bonne able / Une bonne compétent / Une domestique able / Une domestique compétent / Une femme domestique able / Une femme domestique compétent / Способная горничная / できるメイド様 / 超能力侍女 / 능력 있는 시녀님
Yuin / Sanho
🇰🇷Artbook,Imageset,Manga,Manhua,Manhwa,Webtoon,Western,Shoujo(G),Shounen(B),Adult,Gore,Adventure,Cheating/Infidelity,Comedy,Crossdressing,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Game,Genderswap,Girls,Historical
🇫🇷I Am A Killer Maid
Ich bin eine Killer-Maid / Yo Soy una Sirvienta Asesina / 我是杀手女仆
ư?滴漫画工作室 / Ʋ?� Ͽ? / Ǻ?兹 / ś?音壁
Shounen(B),Action,Comedy,Drama,Gender Bender,Harem,Martial Arts,Romance,Sci-Fi,Supernatural
Toufuu (Fu)kenbunroku
Records of (not) observing the easterly winds / Registros de (no) observar los vientos del este. / 東風不見聞録
kumeta kouji
Shounen(B),Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life
🇮🇩The Spring Wind of Altas (Official)
El viento del este de los Altas / The East Wind of the Altas / Le vent d'est du Altas / Ngọn gió đông xứ Altas / The Easterly of the Altas: The Marquis' Scandal / The Spring Wind of Atlas / アルタスの東風 / 阿塔斯的东风 / 알타스의 동풍 / 알타스의 동풍-후작 부인 스캔들
Gaskelle / Ziseo / Tappytoon Studio
🇯🇵Sub-sama, Shitsuke no Jikan desu
It's Time for Your Obedience Training, My Subservient Pet / Sabsama Shitsukeno Jikandesu / Sub様、躾の時間です / Sub님, 훈육 시간입니다
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