Search "Jin Yang"
The Flustering Sound of the Pipa from the Hallway (Official)
Across the Hall, a Striking Pipa Sounds / Chuan Tang Jing Lue Pipa Sheng / Chuantang Jing Lue Pipa Sheng / Chuāntáng Jīng Lüè Pípa Shēng / El sonido de la pipa a través del salón / La Mélodie Bouleversante du Pipa / Suara Pipa yang Mendebar-debarkan dari Lorong / 穿堂惊掠琵琶声
Dao Zhang / 长佩文学 / 高台树色 / 魔仙社
🇨🇳Manhua,Shounen ai,Yaoi(BL),Full Color,Romance,Slice of Life
Rabid Dog Breeding Rules, 狂犬饲养法则, Kuangquan Siyang Faze, MEIHWA
🇨🇳Manhua,Webtoon,Shounen ai,Yaoi(BL),Drama,Omegaverse,Romance
🇫🇷Je suis tombée dans un jeu de harem inversé !
I Fell Into a Reverse Harem Game! / It Looks Like I've Fallen into the World of a Reverse Harem Game / It Seems Like I Fell Into a Reverse Harem Game / Estou dentro de um jogo de harém inverso / Terjatuh ke Permainan Harem / Yeok Harem Game Sogeuro Tteoreojin Moyangimnida / 역하렘 게임 속으로 떨어진 모양입니다 / 偶然开启女尊游戏
GOYA / inui
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Josei(W),Mature,Fantasy,Full Color,Reverse Harem,Romance,Royal family,Transmigration,Video Games,Villainess
🇮🇩The Star's Domineering Lover
China: Anjing Gila Kaisar Film / Inggris: the Star's Domineering Lover / Indonesia: Kekasih Bintang yang mendominasi
Maobei, XiaoXiaoMei / XiaoXiaoShen
🇬🇧Comic,Manhua,Manhwa,Josei(W),Seinen(M),Shounen ai,Yaoi(BL),Age Gap,Boys,Delinquents,Drama,Full Color,Kids,Music,School Life,Villainess,Wuxia,Xianxia
🇮🇩i fell into a reverse harem game [ Zaraa:b ]
Sepertinya Aku Terjatuh ke dalam Dunia Game Harem Terbalik / Sepertinya Aku Terjatuh ke dalam Game Harem Terbalik / Estou dentro de um jogo de harém inverso / Terjatuh ke Permainan Harem / Yeok Harem Game Sogeuro Tteoreojin Moyangimnida / 역하렘 게임 속으로 떨어진 모양입니다 / 偶然开启女尊游戏
inui / Goya
🇬🇧Manhwa,Josei(W),Adult,Smut,Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Harem,Reincarnation,Reverse Harem,Romance,Video Games
🇮🇩Aku Dipenjara Oleh Anjing Gila Yang Aku Besarkan (MinnieCat x Naamiy)
I Was Locked Up By The Crazy Dog, 내가 키운 미친개에게 감금당했다, I Was Imprisoned By My Own Mad Dog, I Was Held in Captivity By The Crazy Dog I Raised, I’m Imprisoned By The Mad Dog I Raised, MinnieCat, Naamiy.
🇮🇩Koukyuu wo Tsuihousareta Kitai no Akujo wa Rikyuu de Aiken wo Mofumofu shitetai
後宮を追放された稀代の悪女は離宮で愛犬をモフモフしてたい / Koukyuu wo Tsuihousareta Kitai no Akujo wa Rikyuu de Aiken wo Mofumofu shitetai / Seorang wanita jahat langka yang diusir dari istana bagian dalam ingin memelihara anjing peliharaannya di istana. / The Rare Villainess Who Was Banished From the Inner Palace Wants A Mofumofu Life With Her Pet Dog in the Detached Palace
matibari / Yukiji
I Am The Real One
Gerçek Olan Bendim • Actually, I Was the Real One • Sesungguhnya, Akulah yang asli • На самом деле, я была настоящей • 其实我才是真的 • 사실은 내가 진짜였다 • En Realidad, Yo Era La Verdadera • Eu Sou a Verdadeira • La vraie, c'est moi ! • Sasireun Naega Jinjjayeotda • Sasil-eun Naega Jinjjayeossda • Насправді, я була справжньою • Chị đây mới là hàng thật nha cưng! • Үнэндээ би жинхэнэ охин нь байсан • Eu sou a verdadeira • En realidad, yo era la verdadera • ฉันนี่แหละที่เป็นตัวจริง • 実は私が本物だった • 事实上,我才是真的 • 真与假的精灵师少女 • 其實我才是正牌千金
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Magic,Reincarnation,Romance,Slice of Life,Time Travel
Moto Yan Haha, Mujintou nite Mesu ni naru, 元ヤン母、無人島にてメスになる, Moto Yan Haha, Mujintou nite Mesu ni naru Zenpen Kouhen
Benii Kenkyuujo
🇯🇵Comic,Doujinshi,Seinen(M),Adult,Ecchi,Hentai,Mature,Beasts,Cheating/Infidelity,Full Color,Incest
🇮🇩Kowamote no Rinjin ga Omega datta Toki no Taishohou
コワモテの隣人がΩだった時の対処法 / How to Deal When Your Intimidating Neighbor is Actually an Omega / Cara Ampuh Menghadapi Jika Tetanggamu yang Mengintimidasi Adalah Seorang Omega
Nikuya Inui
🇯🇵Manga,Yaoi(BL),Mature,Smut,College life,Omegaverse,Romance
The One Time Lover's Payback [Official]
A Surprising Hit of a Distressed Girl / Abandonada / Bean chéile thar oíche - scéal eile- / Comeback of the Distressed Lady / Esposa de la noche a la mañana -otra historia- / Esposa durant la nit -una altra història- / Haomen Qifu de Chuntian / Háomén Qìfù De Chūntiān / La Femme Abandonnée / Luonan Qianjin De Nixi / Người Phụ Nữ Bị Bỏ Rơi / Overnight Wife -Another Story- / Reconquérir ma vie / Revenge of a Maid / Revenge of a Maid 【The Deserted Woman】 / The Deserted Woman / Revenge of the Heiress in Distress / Wanita Yang Ditinggalkan / Брошенная девушка / Съпруга за една нощ - друга история- / กาฝากที่รัก / ผู้หญิงที่ถูกทิ้งร้าง / 義兄の子を身ごもりました / 落难千金的逆袭 / 豪门弃妇的春天 / 하룻밤 아내 -another story-
You Lu Wen Hua
🇨🇳Manhua,Josei(W),Drama,Full Color,Psychological,Romance
🇮🇩Requiem Jiwa Yang Tenang
Jinhongi / SSC / Subdued Soul Chronicle / 鎭魂記 / 진혼기 / Requiem of Subdued Souls
Jung yeon / 정연 / Oh Wolrang, Nocky
🇰🇷Manhwa,Action,Martial Arts,Mystery,Supernatural
Your Majesty, Please Spare Me This Time
Lariet Berusaha Untuk Tidak Dibunuh Lagi • Ваше величество, пожалуйста, не убивайте меня снова • 폐하, 또죽이진 말아주세요 • Pyeha, Ttojugijin Marajuseyo • Your Majesty, Please Don't Kill Me Again! • اعلیحضرت لطفا دوباره منو نکش • 陛下這次請饒我一命 • ฝ่าบาท อย่าฆ่ากันอีกนะเพคะ • 폐하, 또 죽이진 말아주세요 • Bệ hạ, xin đừng giết tôi nữa! • Pyeha, Ddojug-ijin Mal-ajuseyo • Pyeha, tto jug ijin mal-ajuseyo • Baginda, Tolong Jangan Bunuh Saya Lagi • Yang Mulia, tolong jangan bunuh saya lagi • Su majestad, por favor no me mate otra vez • 漂亮陛下别杀我 • 陛下、今度は殺さないでください • Su majestad, por favor, no me vuelva a matar • Votre majesté, ne me tuez pas encore s'il vous-plaît! • Vossa majestade, por favor não me mate de novo • Ваша величність, будьте ласкаві, звільніть мене цього разу • جلالتك ، رجاء لا تقتل ثانية • שלך Majesty, אנא לא להרוג לי שוב • Your Majesty, Please Don't Kill Me Again • ព្រះអង្គម្ចាស់~កុំសម្លាប់ខ្ញុំម្ចាស់ទៀតឲ្យសោះ
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Comedy,Crossdressing,Drama,Full Color,Gender Bender,Historical,Magic,Romance,Time Travel,Tragedy
🇮🇩Potongan dari kain yang sama
Cut from the same cloth/Onaji anano mujina/Cóng tóng yīkuài bù shàng jiǎn xiàlái/Potongan dari kain yang sama
Should I Study at Noryangjin
노량진에서 스터디 할까?, 享樂補習街, Should I Study at Noryangjin?
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Seinen(M),Adult,Mature,Drama,Full Color,Harem,Romance,School Life
🇮🇩Seni cinta dan emas yang membuat impian menjadi kenyataan
美梦成真的恋金术 / Měimèng chéng zhēn de liàn jīn shù”/ The art of love and gold that makes dreams come true
🇨🇳Manhua,Shoujo(G),Shounen(B),Full Color,Mystery,Revenge,Romance
🇮🇩Hati yang berduri (Pupitar)
Jīng Jí Zhī Xīn / The Heart of the Thorns / 荆棘之心
狐泥 / 橘姬社
🇮🇩Anjing yang Dibuang dan Anak Berandalan
昔描いた捨て犬と不良の4コマ / The Abandoned Dog and the Delinquent
Imo Ichirou
🇮🇩Penjaga Terkuat yang Melahap Dewa dan Iblis
After Swallowing the Devil God, I Started to Evolve / I Evolved After Devouring the Demon God / Tūn Xià Móshén Hòu Wǒ Kāishǐ Jìnhuà / 吞下魔神后我开始进化 / 神魔を喰らう最強守護者 / Penjaga Terkuat yang Melahap Dewa dan Iblis
🇨🇳Manhua,Shounen(B),Action,Adventure,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color
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