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It's Not My Fault That My Friend's Not Popular
สาวมืดมน อลวนหารัก / 私の友達がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い。 / It's Not My Fault That My Friend's Unpopular! / No Matter How I Think About It / It's Because of You All T
tanigawa nico
Shounen(B),Comedy,School Life,Slice of Life
🇪🇸Sakamoto desu ga?
坂本ですが? / Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto! / I'm Sakamoto, you know. / Μα δεν έχεις ακούσει? Είμαι ο Σακαμότο! / Sakamoto, pour vous servir ! / Soy Sakamoto, ¿por? / 我是坂本我最
sano nami
Seinen(M),Comedy,School Life,Slice of Life
🇮🇩Doryoku Shisugita Sekai Saikyou no Butouka ha, Mahou Sekai wo Yoyuu de Ikinuku.
Seniman Bela Diri Terkuat di Dunia Yang Berusaha Keras Untuk Hidup Santai di Dunia Sihir / The Strongest Fighter in the World Has Survived the Magic Realm / The World's Strongest Fighter Who Tried Too Hard Living a Leisure Life in a World of Magic / The World’s Strongest Martial Artist, Who Worked Too Hard, Easily Makes his Way Through the World of Magic. / 努力しすぎた世界最強の武闘家は、魔法世界を余裕で生き抜く。 / 努力过头的世界最强武斗家,在魔法世界轻松过生活 / 너무 노력한 세계최강의 무투가는 마법세계를 여유롭게 살아간다
Wankosoba / Nagatsukimasami
The Maid Who Can't Hide Her Feelings
Jibun no Kimochi wo Oshikorosetenai Maid-san / 自分の気持ちを押し殺せてないメイドさん / 自分の気持ちを押し殺せてないメイドさんの漫画
satou shouki / the maid who can't hide her feelings 8
Ore no Imouto ga konna ni Kawaii wake ga nai - Kuriya Nikami Kyousuke-san (Doujinshi)
My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute dj - Kyousuke, the God of Deluded Middle Schoolers / Ore no Imouto ga konna ni Kawaii wake ga nai dj - Kuriya Nikami Kyousuke-san / Ore no Imouto ga konna ni Kawaii wake ga nai dj - Kyousuke, the God of Deluded Middle Schoolers / Oreimo dj - Kyousuke, the God of Deluded Middle Schoolers
holy avenger (circle) / tsukuba kensuu
🇭🇺Father, I Don’T Want To Get Married!
🇪🇸Under the Greenlight: In Dreams [ES Uncensored]
녹색전상 : 몽리 / Bajo la luz verde: En sueños (SIN CENSURA)
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Yaoi(BL),Mature,Smut,Crime,Drama,Full Color,Romance,Slice of Life,Yakuzas
Angel's Doubt
A*D - Angel's lie / A*D - Tenshi no Uso / A*D Angel's Doubt: Fabrication of Human Relations / A·D天使的谎言 / A・D -天使の嘘- / AD天使之谎 / Angel's Lie
aki (あき)
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Historical,Slice of Life
Bleach - Good-night,baby (Doujinshi)
Bleach - Goodnight, Baby / Bleach dj - Good-night,baby / Bleach dj - Goodnight, Baby
d:brand (circle) / asou mitsuaki
Eden: It's an Endless World!
伊甸园 / Eden (ENDO Hiroki)
endo hiroki
Kamisama no Memo-chou
神様のメモ帳 / 神的记事本 / God's Notebook / It's the Only Neet Thing to Do / Kami-sama no Memo-chō / Kami-sama no Memo-chou / Kami-sama no Memochou / Kami-sama no Memo
sugii hikaru
Shounen(B),Comedy,Drama,Romance,Slice of Life,Tragedy
🇮🇩Sakamoto desu ga?
坂本ですが? / Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto! / I'm Sakamoto, you know. / Μα δεν έχεις ακούσει? Είμαι ο Σακαμότο! / Sakamoto, pour vous servir ! / Soy Sakamoto, ¿por? / 我是坂本我最
sano nami
Seinen(M),Comedy,School Life,Slice of Life
Amai Choubatsu - Watashi wa Kanshu Sen'you Pet -
"At This Rate, I'm Gonna Come..." -The Warden's Relentless Pat-down / このままじゃ…イク…」看守の執拗な身体検査
Show Izumi
🇯🇵Manga,Josei(W),Mature,Smut,Delinquents,Drama,Military,Psychological,Reverse Harem,Romance
Dokidoki! PreCure - Baby Envy (Doujinshi)
Doki Doki! PreCure dj - Baby Envy / Doki Doki! Pretty Cure dj - Baby Envy / Dokidoki! PreCure dj - Baby Envy / Heart-Pounding! Pretty Cure dj - Baby Envy
Doujinshi,Shoujo ai
Let's Get Horny (Official) (Uncensored)
Sakarisakarare / サカリサカラレ
🇯🇵Seinen(M),Adult,Hentai,Mature,Smut,College life
Hot-Blooded Ladies Never Give Up! (Official) (Uncensored)
Nekketsu Otome wa tomaranai! / 熱血オトメは止まらない!
Toyama Jigoku
Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai - My Little Sisters Can't Be This Deep In Puberty (Doujinshi)
My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute dj - My Little Sisters Can't Be This Deep In Puberty / Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai dj - My Little Sisters Can't Be This Deep In Puberty / Oreimo dj - My Little Sisters Can't Be This Deep In Puberty
overall (circle) / yu-ji
Is Sex All You Can Think About? (Official) (Uncensored)
Anta H Shika Atama ni Nai Wake? / あんたHしか頭にないわけ?
Cuck Manga J&W
🇯🇵Seinen(M),Adult,Hentai,Mature,Smut,Cheating/Infidelity,College life,Delinquents,Netorare/NTR
Blast from the Past... Who's Best in Bed?
Blast from the Past... Who's Best in Bed?
Mitsuka (Official) [Tokyopop]
Nectar (akabeko) / 蜜果 / 밀과 / 밀과 (from RED)
Hyouryuu Senki Arad no Yukai na Nakama-tachi
漂流戦記アラドのゆかいな仲間たち / Arad' / s Merry Band of Friends
kannazuki hato / bococho
Kimochi Yosugite Kowarechau Kawaiii Akuma to Ijirare Kohitsuji
気持ち良すぎて、こわれちゃう…!~カワイイ悪魔とイジられ子羊 / / It Feels So Good, I'm Gonna Break...! -The Charming Devil's New Toy-
Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai - Siblings Really Can Get Married Now (Doujinshi)
俺の妹がこんなに可愛いわけがない - 本格的に兄妹での結婚が可能になりました / 兄妹之间变成真的可以结婚了 / My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute dj - Siblings Really Can Get Married Now / Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai dj - Siblings Really Can Get Married Now / Oreimo dj - Siblings Really Can Get Married Now
overall (circle) / yu-ji
Jersey Onna to Zetsurin Otoko -Ore Igai ni Dakareru no Kinshi ne?-
The Tracksuit Beauty and the Insatiable Stud -Don't You Dare Sleep with Anyone Else / ジャージ女と絶倫男~俺以外に抱かれるの禁止ね?~
Coa Momose /
🇯🇵Oto-san(Ikemen Haiyū, Ω) to Ore (Daigaku-sei, α) no Hatezukuri Ecchi
Oto-san (Handome Actor, Ω) and I (College Student, α)'s Nest Making Sex / 音さん(イケメン俳優、Ω)と俺(大学生、α)の果作りえっち
Mtk / Kanipan Munshamushi
Ben-to - CHOCO tto LATE. (Doujinshi)
チョコっとレイト / Ben-to dj - CHOCO tto LATE.
split second (circle) / kaiware
🇵🇱Sakamoto desu ga?
坂本ですが? / Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto! / I'm Sakamoto, you know. / Μα δεν έχεις ακούσει? Είμαι ο Σακαμότο! / Sakamoto, pour vous servir ! / Soy Sakamoto, ¿por? / 我是坂本我最
sano nami
Seinen(M),Comedy,School Life,Slice of Life
Itai no wa Iya na no de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri shitai to Omoimasu
All points are divided to VIT because a painful one isn’t liked. / BOFURI: Dato che non sopporto il dolore, metterò tutti i punti in difesa / BOFURI: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, So I'll Max Out My Defense / BOFURI: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense. / Bofuri: Je suis pas venue ici pour souffrir alors j'ai tout mis en défense. / Dado que el dolor es desagradable para mí, creo que voy a poner todos mis puntos en defensa. / I hate being in pain, so I think I'll make a full defense build / I Hate Getting Hurt, So I Put All My Skill Points Into Defense / Itai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu / Itai no wa Iya nanode Bougyo-Ryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu / Shield Heroine / Vì mình chẳng muốn bị đau nên mình sẽ nâng tối đa lực phòng ngự. / Не люблю боль, поэтому собираюсь вложить всё в защиту. / 因为太怕痛就全点防御力了 / 因為太怕痛就全點防禦力了 / 怕痛的我,把防御力点满就对了 / 怕痛的我,把防禦力點滿就對了 / 痛いのは嫌なので防御力に極振りしたいと思います。 / 盖吾惧痛,故全御是也 / 蓋吾懼痛,故全禦是也 / 防振り / 아픈 건 싫으니까 방어력에 올인하려고 합니다
Yuumikan / Oimoto (OIMOTO Jirou)
🇯🇵Manga,Shounen(B),Action,Adaptation,Adventure,Comedy,Fantasy,Sci-Fi,Virtual Reality
I'm a Good Kid But I Still Want to Do It!
Majime Dakedo, Shitain Desu! / まじめだけど、したいんです! / 好孩子想做色色的事 / 讲真,我很想做! / lch bin ein braves Kind, aber ich will es trotzdem tun!
Kamura Low
🇯🇵Manga,Shoujo(G),Smut,Comedy,Romance,School Life
Itsuka no Tsuki de Aimashou
いつかの月であいましょう / 下次在月亮上相见 / Itsuka no Tsuki de Ai Mashou / One-Day Let’s Meet on the Moon
mitsuki kako
Saki - Heart no Okashi (Doujinshi)
Saki dj - Heart no Okashi / Saki dj - Heart-Shaped Sweets
hakka-ya (circle) / tokumi yuiko
Doujinshi,Shoujo ai,Yuri(GL),School Life
Rakushou! Hyper Doll
Easy Fight! Hyper Dolls / Hyper Dolls The Easy Fighters / Hyper❤Dolls The Easy Fighters / Hyper Dolls / 楽勝! ハイパー ドール / 楽勝! ハイパー❤ドール
Itou Shinpei
🇯🇵Manga,Action,Adventure,Aliens,Comedy,Monsters,Sci-Fi,Super Power,Superhero
Saki - Usagi ni wa Tokubetsu na Koto (Doujinshi)
兔には特別なこと / Saki dj - It is a special thing in the rabbit. / Saki dj - Things Simple for a Bunny / Saki dj - Things Special to a Bunny / Saki dj - Usagi ni wa Kantan na Koto 兎には簡単なこと / Saki dj - Usagi ni wa Tokubetsu na Koto
hakka-ya (circle) / tokumi yuiko
Doujinshi,Shoujo ai,Comedy,Romance,School Life,Supernatural
A Girl Who Can't Speak Thinks "She Is Too Kind."
The Mute Girl and Her New Friend / Koe ga dasenai Shoujo wa "Kanojo ga Yasashisugiru" to Omotte iru / Koe ga Dasenai Shoujo no Hanashi / 声がだせない少女の話
Yamura ichi
🇯🇵Shoujo ai,Comedy,School Life,Slice of Life,Supernatural
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