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Nani made nara Koroseru?

🇮🇹Nani made nara Koroseru?

何までなら殺せる? / Che cosa arriveresti ad uccidere? / How far can you kill? / Nereye kadar öldürebilirsin? / Quão longe você pode matar?
nisioisin / ikeda akihisa
Chapter 0
Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii desu ka?

Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii desu ka?

終末なにしてますか?忙しいですか?救ってもらっていいですか? / SukaSuka / What Are You Doing at the End? Are You Busy? Can You Save Me? / What do you do at the end of the world? Are you busy? Will you save us?
kareno akira / seu kaname
Chapter 2
Otokonoko no Koto wa Nani mo Shiranai

🇮🇹Otokonoko no Koto wa Nani mo Shiranai

I don't understands anything about boys / I Have No Idea About Boys
katsura komachi
Volume 1 Chapter 5
Nani made nara Koroseru?

Nani made nara Koroseru?

How far can you kill?
ikeda akihisa / nisioisin
Chapter 1
Shinohara Chie Kessakushuu

Shinohara Chie Kessakushuu

なにかが闇で見ている / 目撃者にさようなら / 訪問者は真夜中に… / 3 Hitome ga Kieta / 3人目が消えた / A Midnight Visitor / Houmonsha wa Mayonaka ni / Midnight Visitor / Nanika ga Yami de Miete
shinohara chie
Chapter 1.3
Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka Isogashii desu ka Sukutte Moratte Ii desu ka

Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka Isogashii desu ka Sukutte Moratte Ii desu ka

終末なにしてますか?忙しいですか?救ってもらっていいですか? / What do you do at the end of the world? Are you busy? Will you save us?
kareno akira / seu kaname
Chapter 6
Chibi to Pocchari de Renai Shimasu kedo, Nani ka?

🇪🇸Chibi to Pocchari de Renai Shimasu kedo, Nani ka?

ちびとぽっちゃりで恋愛しますけど、何か? / Shorty and Chubby Are in Love, so What?
maki kyoko
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life,Sports
Chapter 0
Onani Master Kurosawa

Onani Master Kurosawa

Masturbation Master Kurosawa
katsura, ise (story) / yoko (art)
Chapter 31
Kanojo ga Flag wo Oraretara - Oo yuusha yo, Flag wo Tateteshimau to wa Nanigoto da!?

Kanojo ga Flag wo Oraretara - Oo yuusha yo, Flag wo Tateteshimau to wa Nanigoto da!?

がをゆう / 彼女がフラグをおられたら おお勇者よ、フラグを立ててしまうとは何事だ!? / Gawoyuu
takei touka / cuteg / nagian
vol.1 (end) ch.0
Nani made nara Koroseru?

🇵🇹Nani made nara Koroseru?

何までなら殺せる? / Che cosa arriveresti ad uccidere? / How far can you kill? / Nereye kadar öldürebilirsin? / Quão longe você pode matar?
nisioisin / ikeda akihisa
Chapter 0
Tonari wa Nani o Kuu Hito zo

Tonari wa Nani o Kuu Hito zo

トナリはなにを食う人ぞ / Tonari wa Nani wo Kuu Hito zo
Fujitsuka Yuki
Volume 3 Chapter 14
Shirayukihime to 7-nin no Shuujin

Shirayukihime to 7-nin no Shuujin

白雪姫と7人の囚人 / Shirayukihime to Nananin no Shuujin / Shirayukihime to Shichinin no Shuujin / Snow White & Seven Dwarfs / Snow White and Seven Dwarfs
yabuguchi kuroko
Chapter 33
Lesson in lust [Nani version]

🇮🇩Lesson in lust [Nani version]

Akkang / Wabec
Chapter 10
Nanika Mochigatte Masuka

Nanika Mochigatte Masuka

なにかもちがってますか / 有什么措了吗 / 有木有搞错 / Nanika Mochigatte masu ka / Nanika Mochigatte Masuka
kitoh mohiro
School Life,Sci-Fi,Supernatural
Chapter 30
Neratte Shitakedo Nani ka?

🇨🇳Neratte Shitakedo Nani ka?

Chapter 1
Ib - Nanimnai Heya (Doujinshi)

Ib - Nanimnai Heya (Doujinshi)

Ib - なにもない部屋 / Ib dj - Habitación de la Nada / Ib dj - Nanimnai Heya / Ib dj - Nothing Room / Ib dj - Room of Nothing
na (pixiv)
Chapter 0
Going off the Beaten Path

Going off the Beaten Path

何かが道をそれてやってくる / Nanika ga Michi wo Soreteyattekuru
Douman Seiman
S x M

S x M

Haraimasu kedo Nani ka? / Haraimasu kedo Nanika? / S×M / Slave Master / SxM / SxM - 主僕關係
takamiya satoru
Shoujo(G),Smut,Drama,Romance,School Life,Supernatural,Tragedy
Volume 1 Chapter 4
Nani made nara Koroseru?

🇪🇸Nani made nara Koroseru?

何までなら殺せる? / Che cosa arriveresti ad uccidere? / How far can you kill? / Nereye kadar öldürebilirsin? / Quão longe você pode matar?
nisioisin / ikeda akihisa
Chapter 0
Murabito desu ga Nani ka?

Murabito desu ga Nani ka?

村人ですが何か? / 마을사람입니다만 뭔가? / I am a villager, what about it?
shiraishi arata / sabamu / murabito desu ga nani ka? 36
Chapter 35
S x M

🇮🇹S x M

Haraimasu kedo Nani ka? / Haraimasu kedo Nanika? / S×M / Slave Master / SxM / SxM - 主僕關係
takamiya satoru
Shoujo(G),Smut,Drama,Romance,School Life,Supernatural,Tragedy
Volume 1 Chapter 4
Masturbation Count

Masturbation Count

Onani Count / オナニーカウント
Nani made nara Koroseru?

🇹🇷Nani made nara Koroseru?

何までなら殺せる? / Che cosa arriveresti ad uccidere? / How far can you kill? / Nereye kadar öldürebilirsin? / Quão longe você pode matar?
nisioisin / ikeda akihisa
Chapter 0
Tonari wa Nani o Kuu Hito zo

🇮🇹Tonari wa Nani o Kuu Hito zo

Fujitsuka Yuki
🇯🇵Shoujo(G),Comedy,Cooking,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
Volume 3 Chapter 14
Sonnani sukinara daiteageru hayana no ouji niha toge ga aru

Sonnani sukinara daiteageru hayana no ouji niha toge ga aru

Yuko Kamoto
Chapter 12
Dou Danjo!?

Dou Danjo!?

どう男女!? / 男女错调 / Dou Danjo / Dou Nani yo!? / Mushibana
hagi warako 萩笑子
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Gender Bender,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
Miliarder Yunani yang Tersesat

🇮🇩Miliarder Yunani yang Tersesat

The Renegade Billionaire / 異端のギリシア大富豪
Rebecca Winters / Natsumi Matsumoto
🇯🇵Josei(W),Drama,Harlequin,Romance,Slice of Life
Ch.12 [END] 💋
S x M

🇵🇹S x M

Haraimasu kedo Nani ka? / Haraimasu kedo Nanika? / S×M / Slave Master / SxM / SxM - 主僕關係
takamiya satoru
Shoujo(G),Smut,Drama,Romance,School Life,Supernatural,Tragedy
Volume 1 Chapter 3
Murabito desu ga Nani ka?

Murabito desu ga Nani ka?

I am a villager / what about it? / 村人ですが何か?
arata shiraishi
Chapter 21
Nani made nara Koroseru?

🇻🇳Nani made nara Koroseru?

何までなら殺せる? / Che cosa arriveresti ad uccidere? / How far can you kill? / Nereye kadar öldürebilirsin? / Quão longe você pode matar?
nisioisin / ikeda akihisa
Chapter 0
Drawing While Masturbating

Drawing While Masturbating

Are You Gonna Come? / Onanii Shinagara Kakimashita / Sensei, Ore ni Kamawazu Itte Kudasai!! / ※オナニーしながら描きました♥ / 先生、俺にかまわずイッてください!!
igarashi yui / drawing while masturbating 22
Chapter 21
Dorei Shounin shika Sentakushi ga nai desu yo? ~Harem? Nani sore oishii no?~

Dorei Shounin shika Sentakushi ga nai desu yo? ~Harem? Nani sore oishii no?~

奴隷商人しか選択肢がないですよ?~ハーレム?なにそれおいしいの?~ / 除了成为奴隶商人以外别无选择哟?~后宫?那好吃吗?
kara yumi / gomashi / dorei shounin shika sentakushi ga nai desu yo? ~harem? nani sore oishii no?~ 21
Chapter 20
Tonari no Nanige-san

Tonari no Nanige-san

Tonari no Nanige-san / となりのなにげさん
tachibana shuu
Seinen(M),Comedy,School Life,Slice of Life
Chapter 19
7-nin no Shakespeare

7-nin no Shakespeare

7 nin no Shakespeares / Nananin no Shakespeares / Seven Man Shakespeares / Seven Shakespeares / Shakespeares of the Seven Men
harold sakuishi
Chapter 31
Danna ga Nani o Itte Iru ka Wakaranai Ken

Danna ga Nani o Itte Iru ka Wakaranai Ken

旦那が何を言っているかわからない件 / Danna ga Nani o Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken / Danna ga Nani wo Itte Iruka Wakaranai Ken / I Can't Understand What My Husband Is Saying
cool kyoushinsha
Seinen(M),Slice of Life
Chapter 8
Dou Nannyo?!

Dou Nannyo?!

xどう男女!? / 男女错调 / Dou Nani yo!? / Dou Nannyo!? / Doudanjo!? / Mushibana / Tomodachi Sando
hagi warako
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Gender Bender,Romance,School Life,Supernatural
Chapter 5
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