Group Members
Group Description
“Because no one is doing it, I’ll do it myself.” :-)
“Pay me and I’ll translate it.” ;-)
“Pay me and I’ll translate it.” ;-)
Don't forget to turn on your H(entai) Toggle so that you can view more of my release.
I'm a JP-ENG Translator (also vice-versa).
Yeah, I accept translation requests. (Commissioned requests too... Which are my priority.) Note: I can’t translate all requests tho. (Commissioned requests are sure to be translated.)
Greet me with the Raw link/sources if you wanna message me.
Don't ask me to typeset a translated page in Danbooru.
Enjoy the shenanigans and stuff from this page~! :D
Follow me on my Twitter! (You can view some nice, juicy and UNCENSORED contents there...Mostly NSFW tho, Follow at your own risk.)
For commissions, kindly read this note: