Disuruh nulis biografi
Kalo engga dikatain males :")
Tapi bingung mau ngomong apaan
Engga ini sebenernya ngetik
Yah cuma bisa bilang semoga suka dengan fantranslation dari kami
TL random yang suka typo
Disuruh nulis biografi
Kalo engga dikatain males :")
Tapi bingung mau ngomong apaan
Engga ini sebenernya ngetik
Yah cuma bisa bilang semoga suka dengan fantranslation dari kami
TL random yang suka typo
Block User
When adding a user to your block list, if there is a friend relationship between you, it will be terminated in both directions.
Users on your blocked list:
- Unable to reply to your comments.
- Unable to send you message.
- Unable to send you friend request.
Friend Manage
- Need the consent of the other party to become your friend.
- Unresponsive requests automatically expire after 30 days.
- You can submit up to 100 friend requests within 30 days