💃💃 menarikan Hula-Hula...
Gk nyantuy gk ngegas apakah aku?...
nyahoy APA?....
Tetap happy dan santai....
Yg gk boleh nyantai tu deadline tugas~
ngebut mulu NGENG~
NYANTAI DIKIT DEADLINE FINISH DULUAN AHAYY... Sambil mendengar lagu-lagu SoundCloud
nyahoy APA?....
Tetap happy dan santai....
Yg gk boleh nyantai tu deadline tugas~
ngebut mulu NGENG~
NYANTAI DIKIT DEADLINE FINISH DULUAN AHAYY... Sambil mendengar lagu-lagu SoundCloud
Block User
When adding a user to your block list, if there is a friend relationship between you, it will be terminated in both directions.
Users on your blocked list:
- Unable to reply to your comments.
- Unable to send you message.
- Unable to send you friend request.
Friend Manage
- Need the consent of the other party to become your friend.
- Unresponsive requests automatically expire after 30 days.
- You can submit up to 100 friend requests within 30 days